Pole Barns / Metal Buildings / Steel Buildings or whatever term you prefer to call them, are typically a structure that can be assembled more quickly than a traditionally framed garage and the cost reflects that. However the pole barn structure is not an inferior product or design. In fact, the pole barns that we build are much more robust buildings than a typical framed 2×4 garage.

The above picture is a pole barn we built near Utica, NY and it is in the framing stage. You can see in the photo that we are utilizing a pressure treated 6×6 post with 2×12 headers. The weight of the structure is resting on these the 2×12 and 6×6 post compared to the weight of a structure resting on a 2×4 framed garage.
Garages do have the benefit of being able to finish the interior a little more efficiently but contrary to popular belief you can actually achieve an higher insulation rating on a pole barn than you can on a traditionally framed garage. We can get into those details in a different blog post but I mention this to preface the answer to the question of HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO HAVE A COMPANY BUILD YOU A POLE BARN?
The build times below are utilizing a 3-5 man crew. Some companies bring in massive crews that can throw the buildings up pretty quick but we stick to a normal 3-5 man crew and here is how we like the schedule the building process.
Day 1: Site prep / minor site grading / layout & string lines. This does not take a full day typically.
Day 2: Sometimes we can fit this into day 1 but it really depends on how much site work is needed. Day 2 is where we dig our holes for our sono-tubes and set the sono tubes and then we wait for codes to come out and inspect the depth of the holes to make sure they’re below the frost line.
Day 3: One we have been given the approval to move forward, we have concrete trucks come in and we fill and pour our concrete columns for our 6×6 posts to rest on. We make sure that the top of each column or footing is level with each other by using a transit level. We set metal brackets into the concrete.
Day 4: When the concrete has set up properly we will build our walls on the ground. Sometimes if the concrete is in early enough we will start building the walls on day 3. However if we do not get to it on day 3 we will begin building the walls on the ground on day 4 and then we use our skid steer to lift and set the walls into the concrete brackets. We get a rough level / plumbing of the walls and install support braces and tie the walls together.
Day 5: Day 5 is when we lift and set the trusses into place. Typically we can have all of the trusses set into place and have all of the purlins installed. If you ordered an overhang from us we will also build it on day 5 and have it installed. After the trusses are installed we will slightly adjust the building to make sure everything is square and plumb and then we tighten everything up and secure the building from moving.
Day 6: We typically use 3 guys on the roof on day 3 and the roof will typically be completed in one day depending on the size of the building. The other two guys will be working on trimming out all of the doors, windows, rat guard, and F Channel.
Day 7: Metal siding goes up. This can take 1-2 days to complete.
Day 8: Typically we’re still working on finishing up the metal.
Day 9: Soffit & Fascia work around the building.
Day 10: Doors & Windows go in.
Day 11: Concrete is poured and the floor is finished!
Anything after day 11 are typically inside finishes or special finishes on the outside. Additional work will of course add additional time to complete the project.